“Brave and inspirational.” Such were the first words chosen for Rooster Teeth’s bold announcement that its hit animated web series RWBY will be an HBO exclusive beginning with the highly-anticipated Volume 9. The full statement can only be read on the Rooster Teeth Website, behind one of their obscure communities in the Community tab and requires you to be a member of Rooster Teeth Double Gold First+, so for your convenience we have transcribed it below:

“Brave and inspirational. Its how we would describe the team working at HBO, the home of such legendary shows as The Wire, The Sopranos and the first four seasons of Game of Thrones. This very year HBO has been also home to RoosterTeeth’s own hit series gen:LOCK, which would have never had a second season without their executive, creative and financial support. Seeing as the feedback for the second season has been almost universally positive, we have decided to also move the upcoming volume of RWBY to HBO Max. However, we have encountered several problems along the way:

  • Exclusivity. After we have moved RWBY off of YouTube and onto our own website, we saw that real RWBY fans would be willing to endure some trouble just to have a show that feels more exclusive. Barely anyone uses Rooster Teeth First, while so many more people have HBO Max, which would make the show less exclusive by comparison. For this reason, we are making RWBY Volume 9 an exclusive to the new HBO Max service titled HBO Max+ Gold Premium Expansion Pass. This new service, which will cost $35 US or $50 CAD per month, will offer not only all of the benefits provided by HBO Max and RoosterTeeth First, but will also include exclusive shows like RWBY Volume 9, two brand new episodes of Camp Camp and RWBY Chibi Season 3.75. Besides our content, HBO Max+ Gold Premium Expansion Pass owners will have exclusive benefits for various partner services and networks, such as YouTube Premium, Xbox Live Gold and Nintendo Switch Online, with the last offering two additional Sega Genesis games!
  • RWBY’s tone doesn’t fit with typical HBO programming. While the adult-focused HBO might not seem like a great fit for RWBY, we have decided to follow in gen:LOCK season 2’s example and significantly change the tone by adding things that HBO viewers are eager to see: sex and gore. And while we can’t exactly show how brutal Ruby’s upcoming blinding will be, we could definitely tell RWBY fans have been waiting for more intimate relationships between the cast. Reactions to emotional scenes like Volume 8’s Bumbleby forehead-touch have shown us that we have indeed disappointed those who were waiting for Blake and Yang to kiss. To remedy that, Volume 9 will feature a full-length uncensored orgy scene between the five main characters stuck on the tropical island. Additionally, just like in gen:LOCK, we feel that it’s best to contrast these gratuitous scenes by having serious gender exploring questions. That means Jaune will not be taking part in the orgy action and instead will be doing some serious introspecting about his own sexuality and will be promptly killed off in the next episode.
  • RoosterTeeth FIRST members won’t be happy. That’s perfectly understandable – it is hard to persuade someone to subscribe to a brand new subscription service just for a single show. And while RWBY Volume 9 will not be available on the Rooster Teeth website, we do plan to reward our most loyal fans by posting 6 exclusive screenshots in wallpaper quality every week with each new episode launch, exclusive to FIRST members. Not only that, but all FIRST+ members will enter a weekly raffle, with a lucky winner receiving an exclusive RWBY NFT of a screenshot from that week’s episode!

We hope our decision to make RWBY Volume 9 exclusive to HBO Max+ Gold Premium Expansion Pass is now more transparent and understandable. Unfortunately, we also have to announce a further delay of the show, potentially pushing the newest volume to 2023, as we’re having difficulty animating the sex scenes and minting those NFTs, but we sincerely thank you for your patience nonetheless. Please be assured that we are working hard at creating more new shows exclusive to other subscription networks.” -Richard Dentals, President of Brand Expansion, Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC.

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By Lance White

Founder of bumbleby.com, enjoyer of terrible taste and even worse takes. Will take any opportunity he can to shill https://vytalnews.com - a website you should totally visit.

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3 years ago

What a load of shit

3 years ago
Reply to  Damon

So who cares

3 years ago
Reply to  Damon

It’s fake

Bopp Bobidee
Bopp Bobidee
3 years ago
Reply to  Damon


Last edited 3 years ago by Bopp Bobidee
Logan Nelson
Logan Nelson
3 years ago

Bruh now I can’t even watch it wtf terrible choice

3 years ago
Reply to  Logan Nelson

It’s fake

Phack Yuu
Phack Yuu
3 years ago
Reply to  Shani

You’re a legend reply to everyone

silver rose
silver rose
3 years ago

That’s terrible, I was waiting for s9 and the say they will move the series again? shitty idea rt

3 years ago
Reply to  silver rose

It’s fake

3 years ago
Reply to  Shani

I knew it was fake the moment it talked about having an orgy and sexual scenes

3 years ago

It was BAD enough to have Rooster Teeth First, it WAS bad enough that rather using and EXPANDING a Central Streaming Service every company must have thier OWN Streaming Service Filled with ADS.

People Cut Cable and Jumped on Streaming to ditch ADs, we Will DITCH Streaming services too.

Just stop with Exclusivity and go back to Customer First Model, don’t be so entitled to view profit over community.

Removing RWBY from YouTube was A HARD. Blow to franchise for you cut out New Fans instantly from just Experiencing an episode to see if they like it.

DONT DOUBLE DOWN on Exclusivity.

3 years ago
Reply to  Brian

It’s fake

3 years ago
Reply to  Shani

What makes you so absolutely sure?

3 years ago
Reply to  Spencer

Dude it literally talked about having unfiltered sex and mining nfts in one go. It’s quite obviously fake

3 years ago
Reply to  Spencer

Because this entire article is dripping in sarcasm?

3 years ago
Reply to  Spencer

Bro, an uncensored orgy scene isn’t enough to tell it’s satire? Read the rest of the article

3 years ago
Reply to  Shani

You the real MVP here. Those of us who read more than the title appreciate your swift quelling of a mob mentality over a joke. Thank you

3 years ago

Not familiar with the site myself, but come on y’all. If anyone here read the second bullet point and seriously maintained this entire article was anything more than satire, I advise you to work on your skepticism. It really isn’t hard to learn the true nature of the site. In fact, note the entire article’s lack of any sources or hyperlinks to the post in question, which should be an immediate red flag to the validity of the article.
Bottom line, if you were truely suckered into believing the article after having gotten all the way through to the end, take this as a learning experience and understand what to look out for when taking news articles at face value. Because while this article may have been written as somewhat obvious satire, a lot of these narrative techniques are used in actual journalism, so always be sure to check and verify sources actually support what rhe article claims, and beware articles that cherrypick their sources to support a disingenuous narrative that doesn’t show the full scope of the subject being discussed.

3 years ago
Reply to  Iris

Bro, they wrote an uncensored orgy scene involving the whole main cast, I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to not notice that this is satire after reading it

Jake Baker
Jake Baker
3 years ago
Reply to  Justagabs

And yet there are so many people who think it’s real and are complaining. It’s actually like 50/50. It’s really sad to see how stupid people are.

3 years ago
Reply to  Iris

Yes some people just have trouble until they understand the clues. But even if this was truly one of the people from rwby, it wouldn’t have all this ridiculous crap in it. But I’ll wait for the real news. And let’s be kind to all on here. God bless.

Derakos Zrux
Derakos Zrux
3 years ago
Reply to  Iris

You know I will take that lesson to heart AND tell the site owner to f off. What a shitty waste of time just making stuff up to get clicks. That’s the thing about satire, it’s not good just because it’s satire, and the audience is usually in on the joke. This wasted some of my time for nothing. And I won’t act like I should be grateful or like this guy is doing something good. This was just badfaith clickbait and it’s just a bad thing to exist.

3 years ago

I guess the comment section’s the result of no one actually reading past the title. At least this whole thing got a giggle out of me hehe.

3 years ago

An orgy huh, looking forward to that XD

3 years ago

Deadass thought it was real until the “Full-length, uncensored orgy” part XD
Sometimes fiction *is* stranger than truth

3 years ago
Reply to  Muffles

Exactly my experience as well 🤣

3 years ago

Orgy?! What the actual heck these are still teenagers! I don’t believe this! This is so stupidly fake

Last edited 3 years ago by Mason
3 years ago
Reply to  Mason

No shit

3 years ago

GFDI. Google gave me this article as a recommended news thing, I was like “What the hell?” Super annoyed that Google included this as news for me to start to pitch a fit over.

3 years ago

Like the damn ADs were not enough, y’all bitches really made a choice like this. I have simped for this show and even found games on Roblox that was based on RWBY

Seth Apex
Seth Apex
3 years ago

It took me a while to realize this was fake. The “sex and gore” line got me worried. There is no way Rooster Teeth would dishonor Monty’s legacy by decimating and selling it out like that.

3 years ago

Link to source?

Adrien Kurth-White
Adrien Kurth-White
3 years ago

You had me in the first half and it wasn’t until you mentioned the orgy thing that I realized it was fake XD, you were very convincing up until then.

3 years ago

I don’t have HBO max but I do have rooster teeth website so this will be unfortunate because I don’t want HBO max

Neo Politan
Neo Politan
2 years ago

Oh man the Genesis? I didn’t even think that system would be released in time for volume 9! That’s an amazing deal!

2 years ago

that fake it not real ti bullshit

1 year ago

BUMBLEBEE A 100% ACCURATE RWBY NEWS SITE… yeah, seems legit af